SuperSonic Trampoline Club began life in 2002, offering after-school classes for children, originally based out of University College Dublin. Over the following years, the club expanded to offering it’s now near-famous summer camps, and then moved on to starting a full time club based in it’s current home in Loughlinstown Leisure Centre offering year-round classes for children and adults.
We offer safe, professional, top quality trampoline gymnastics coaching. We have a genuine passion for trampoline gymnastics, and a love for sport in general that we strive to embed in our younger members, through a uniquely fun, positive and supportive atmosphere. We take the utmost pride in our club and in the highly positive feedback we frequently receive about it. If you have any doubts, please just ask any of our members about us!
Lessons are available for all ages and absolutely all ability levels, beginner to elite. So whether you are a 3 year old couch ninja, a teenage tricker extraordinaire, a 20- or 30-something interested in trying a new social activity, or a much older budding bouncer finally getting around to training for that Olympic gold, we have the class, or camp, for you!
Classes run after school, evenings and weekends, and are primarily 55mins in duration with options available for multiple classes per week.
Bounce recreationally for fitness, fun and excitement, or compete with our competition SuperSquad on the national circuit, with the possibility of becoming an Irish National Champion! We also have StartSquad, our class for very young children with exceptional potential, and our Advanced Class, putting recreational bouncers with notably high levels of talent together in an environment best suited for their performance and enjoyment.
Participants of every type of of class work in a one-on-one manner with their coach, in small peer-based groups, meaning everyone learns at their own optimum pace, working to their own unique ability level. This means, while we encourage and teach everyone to be their best, there is never any pressure to perform any skills or moves until the participant is ready and confident in doing so.
If you have ever dreamed of competing, learning to somersault, or simply experiencing the thrill of bouncing high in the air on a full-spec, professional, Olympic-level trampoline, SuperSonic is the place for you! Drop us an email, or sign up today. You’ll be glad you did!
– Darron & Pauric
Founding Coaches